An historical document regarding the great Marco Polo.

In 1254, Venice, a little boy named Marco Polo was born. His father and uncle were both merchants and they had just returned from Asia with a request from Kublai Khan. He wanted to educate his people on Christ. And so, they collected what Kublai wanted and decided to bring Marco along. In 1271 they set off. It took three years for them to return, but when they did, the Khan was very happy. The Polos got to be the Khan’s honored guests. And they saw many wonders such as paper note based money.

Ultimately, Marco’s keen eye and multilingual capabilities earned him a spot the Khan’s privy council. Due to this the Polos accumulated a great wealth. They stayed for 17 years before deciding to go home. The return was significantly harder than they thought. The journey took seven years and only 18 of the 600 passengers made it to Venice. When they returned, they had a hard time readjusting. However, Marco married and had three daughters. He even published the story of his journey, successfully inspiring explorers for years to come.

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